This Story of Us

What we decide 

to do today 

with the resources 

that we have available to us 

in the modern era, 

can now begin to be viewed 

as trade commodities. . .

of our Value. . .

and our Worth. . . 

to society;

you know?


it is only by our "Acts" in "Deeds" 

that we "Commit" 

and become Committed.

Committed to bringing forth our "Intent"; 

which develops 

and in turn

comes to represent 

"Us" you know and what we stand for?

As a reflection 

of our existence. . . 

our experiences. . . 

as well as our beliefs!

The ones we use to live and base our lives upon, 

as well as how we use our life in addition to how we view it. 

What we create and the way we make 

one another feel, is completely based and dependent on  

the moral 

and ethical development

from which we grew.

Therefore "We" 

create from the "Wisdom" 

that we've stored up 

throughout our lives 

followed by the processing of

information to gain knowledge  of where the unknown originates  

and through familiarity becomes a  known.


an understanding is formed beyond 

what has simply been taught 

and therefore assumed 

to be accurate and what not. . .

thereby bridging the possibility 

for the truth to shine through.

And then

once this comes to light 

then you can see me as I see you. . .

The cycles developed long, long, long ago, 

formed patterns of growth 

from rhythms that guide all lifeforms on earth

through a reciprocation as the creation 

of familiarity between all involved is formed, 

and an understanding of what is needed to know 

how to grow by leaps and by bounds 

from reaping what you sow. 

This type of growth, although not seen but is felt, 

transcends ages of time and continues on till this day 

to be passed on by spirit gypsies or sages 

as we like to say;

or the ones who've been called our 

Great Elders of our Great Ancestry,

continuously teaching us methods 

of taking the complex to their simplest. 

For this I am thankful 

for it is because of their wisdom 

I've come to learn 

how to "toot my own horn"!

So as always 

Blessings and Thanks 

for taking the time 

to read

this liL'Bit of mine

and feel free to discuss further 

below if you like. 

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